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【纯干货】“剑桥大学”的 GG vs BB(中英文对照阅读)

来自:SDT 0 0 2014-10-12

  “剑桥大学”的 欧盟生 VS 英国本土生



An EU student is a national of a member state of the European Union as list below: 欧盟学生,就是拥有欧盟国家国籍的学生称作为欧盟学生,如下国家为欧盟国家列表:  Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom. 奥地利,比利时,保加利亚,克罗地亚,塞浦路斯,捷克斯洛伐克,丹麦,爱沙尼亚,芬兰,法国,德国,希腊,匈牙利,爱尔兰,意大利,立陶宛,卢森堡,马耳他,荷兰,波兰,葡萄牙,罗马尼亚,斯洛伐克,斯洛文尼亚,西班牙,瑞士,英国  Some countries may also categorize applicants as EU students if: 如下情况,来自一些国家的学生也被认同是欧盟学生  They have resided within the European Union for a certain period of time before applying for the study program of their choice 在他们的学习开始以前,在欧盟区域居住了一定的年限。   They hold a permanent residence permit in any state of the European Union 他们是任何欧盟国家的永久居民  They hold the status of refugee in any state of the European Union 是任何欧盟国家的难民  If you are not sure whether you might qualify as an EU student, we recommend you to check it with your higher education institution as EU students usually enjoy lower tuition fees than non-EU students and have access to a larger array of scholarships and grants to support their studies. Additionally, application deadlines for higher education studies may also vary depending on whether the applicant is an EU student or comes from outside the European Union. 如果你不确定你自己是不是欧盟学生请咨询你所在的学校。通常欧盟学生能够得到比非欧盟学生更低的学费,同时欧盟学生还可以获得很多种类的奖学金,此外很多高校招生的时候会优先欧盟的学生。  Who is an EEA student? 什么是欧洲经济区学生  EEA stands for European Economic Area, which includes the European Union plus Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway. While Switzerland is not in the EEA, Swiss nationals have the same rights as EEA citizens. Therefore, EEA students are nationals of Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, and enjoy the same benefits as EU students. EEA欧盟经济区,就是欧盟加上冰岛,列支郭士敦,挪威。尽管瑞士不是属于欧盟经济区,但是瑞士的学生可等同于欧盟经济区的学生。因此,欧洲经济区的学生就是包括以上四国在内的学生与欧盟学生享有同等的待遇。   http://www.gostudyuk.com/life.jsp?id=LIFE_euro_general  European students in the UK 欧盟学生在英国的学习  138,005 European students came to UK higher education institutions to study in 2012/13 (the most recent year for which there are figures), 32% of all non-UK students(425,265). The vast majority (91%, 125,290 students) came from European Union member states. 13.8万的欧洲学生于2012-2013学年在英国就读高校,占的比例为非英国学生的总数的32%(425 265为在英国高校学习的非英国学生)。其中125 290位学生是来自欧盟国家。  Over 60% were undergraduates (86,835, 63% of the total), many more than were studying for a postgraduate qualification (51,175, 37%). 所有欧盟学生中,本科学生为86 835人,研究生为51 175人。  The top five European nationalities studying in the UK HE sector in 2012/13 were German (14,520 students, 11% of the total), Irish (12,620, 9%), French (11,725, 8%), Greek (10,910, 8%) and Cypriot (10,340, 7%). 其中2012-2013年度英国高等教育这一块,来自欧盟学生中排名前五位的国家是德国(14520位),爱尔兰(12620位),法国(11725位),希腊(10910位), 塞浦路斯(10340位) 。

  So why is the UK such a popular study destination for Europeans? 为什么英国如此受到欢迎  Factors such as subsidised ‘home’ fees for EU nationals, the proximity of the UK to the Continent (some European students even use the Channel Tunnel to commute to their UK institutions), the world-class British education system and the opportunity to learn in the global language of English all contribute to the popularity of studying in the UK, but one of the main reasons is that it’s such a great place to be a student. 例如家庭式的补贴给欧盟学生,离欧洲大陆很近(有些欧盟学生甚至坐地铁穿越海底隧道到达英国的学校),世界级别的英国教育系统,以及全球通用的英语教学使之成为受欢迎的两大优势,但是最主要的原因还是在英国这样美好的地方渡过其学生生涯。  Clubs and societies 俱乐部和社交  Got a passion for drama, photography or cinema? UK universities have an astonishing range of clubs and societies, often created by the students themselves, which cover a wide variety of interests. 你对喜剧,摄影或者是电影感兴趣?英国大学有许多令人意想不到的俱乐部和社交圈,通常这些是由学生本身来创造的,这些涉及到的领域都是非常广的。  You will often find there will be a student society dedicated to your country or region where you can meet fellow nationals and other students who are interested in where you come from. The Greek and Cypriot Society at the University of Sussex, for example, aims to unite all the Greek and Cypriot members of the University and create an atmosphere that closely resembles that in their home countries. This is achieved by organising various cultural events to celebrate different traditional festivals. These events are also open to UK and other international students with a passion for Greek and Cypriot food, music and culture. 你会经常发现一个特有的学生社交圈,针对你来自的国家和所在区域的,也就是老乡会。在英国的萨塞克斯大学有塞浦路斯希腊老乡会,其目标就是联合该大学的所有希腊和塞浦路斯学生,并且营造一个与其家乡相似的氛围(塞浦路斯与希腊均为希腊族人)。该老乡会会通过组织各种形式的传统嘉年华活动来庆祝其传统的各种节日。这些嘉年华活动也对英国以及其他国际学生开放, 如果他们也对塞浦路斯的传统食物,音乐和文化感兴趣。  Likewise, the French Society at Swansea University holds an annual cheese and wine event that gives all the University’s students the opportunity to experience a taste of French culture, practise using their French language skills and meet a variety of people from different cultures. 同样,在西旺斯大学的法国老乡会每年都会举办奶酪酒会,该酒会给大学的学生一个体验法国美食的机会,同时会让参会者练习使用法语来交流, 该聚会也会然你遇到很多来自不同文化的朋友。


Full-time undergraduate students 全日制本科学生There are two main costs you'll need to cover at university your tuition fees and living costs. 有两项主要的费用,在大学的学习生活中 -- 学费和生活费  This information is for full-time students whose home is in England or who are from another EU/EEA country and are coming to study in the UK. Student Finance England (SFE) will assess your application for funding. You must meet their eligibility rules to qualify. 该信息是给来英国学习的英格兰本地或者是来自欧盟以及欧盟经济区的全日制本科学生的。英格兰学生财政部门将负责审核相关的贷款申请。但是申请者必须满足相关资格从使得申请获批。  Can I get money to help with my tuition fees? 我能够申请学生贷款吗  You can get an SFE Tuition Fee Loan to pay the full fee as long as you meet the eligibility rules as a UK/Home student or the eligibility rules as an EU student. For details about the eligibility rules visit the UKCISA website or Gov.UK web site. Information for EU nationals is available on the student room website. 是的我可以获得SFE(英格兰学生财政部门)的学生学费贷款,只要我是符合其贷款资格的英国或者欧盟学生。具体查看资格请访问,UKCISA网站或者是Gov.UK网站,欧盟学生的信息也可以在该网站的学生房间栏里找到。  The Tuition Fee Loan is not income assessed, which means that your family's income does not affect the amount you can receive. You will need to check the tuition fee charged for your course and apply for that amount of loan. If you apply for a loan to cover just part of your fees, remember that you will need to cover the remaining tuition fee yourself. 学费的贷款不需要做收入评估的,也就是意味着你的家庭收入不会影响你的学生贷款。学费的多少是根据不同的学校的不同课程来的,所以你需要核实贷款数额后然后发起学费贷款申请。如果你只是部分学费贷款,那你自己就需要准备另外一部分学费。  Can I get money to help with my living costs? 我能不能得到生活费贷款  Some EU nationals and their family members may also qualify for this funding. 一些欧盟国学生,和其家庭成员可以获得贷款,但是需要满足相关的资质。  How do I repay a loan? 如何还学生贷款  This depends on when you began your course. 这个就是根据你的课程开始结束时间  If you began your course in September 2012 or later and your course ends before 2016, or you withdraw before then, repayments won’t start until April 2016. 如果你与2012年九月,在2016年前毕业,那么你的还款日期是2016年4月才开始的。  Additionally, you will only start repaying when you are earning more than £21,000 each year before tax. 需要注意的是只有当你的年收入达到了税前2.1万英镑/年的时候,你才需要还款。  Your repayments are linked to your earnings, not the level of your student loan debt. If you earn above £21,000, you will pay the equivalent of 9% of your earnings. 还款只是和你的收入相关,和贷款的多少没有关系,如果你的收入超过2.1万英镑/年,你将要拿出总收入的9%来还贷。  Interest is added from the day the loans are paid to you. The amount of interest charged is lower while you study, but increases when you stop studying and will be based on your earnings. 贷款的利息是从贷款的发放日期开始的,在学习期间利息非常的低,但是学习结束以后利息会提高,同时利息也是根据你的年收入来定的。


Tuition fees 剑桥大学学费问题  As at most English universities, in 2014-15 the tuition fees for UK/EU students* studying for an undergraduate degree at Cambridge are 9,000 per year for all courses. 在绝大多数的英语大学里,2014-2015年的年度学费对于英国/欧盟学生来说,其本科的大部分学费大约为9000英镑。  We're committed to providing a world class education and access to the very best teachers, resources and support. Therefore, we actually invest, on average, almost twice this amount in each student every year. 我们试着成为世界级的大学,聘请最好的老师,已经给予最好的资源配置和支持。因此,我们实际上我们每年在每个学生身上的花费是其学费的两倍。  No UK/EU student has to pay their tuition fees up front or while they’re studying. Instead, you can take out a government student loan for tuition fees, and defer payment until after you've left university and are earning a minimum salary.  非英国/欧盟学生必须提前或者是学习期间支付所有的学费。你可以找政府借贷学费,并且在参加工作以后归还。  Year abroad tuiton fees 国际交换生的学费  For UK/EU students undertaking a full year abroad in 2014/15, the tuition fee payable to the University of Cambridge during the year abroad will be 1350. If you study at another university during your year abroad, outside of the Erasmus programme, you may also be liable for tuition fees at the receiving institution. 英国/欧盟学生如果整个学年都在外交换的话,支付给剑桥大学本部的学费为1350英镑,如果你是在Erasmus项目以外的学校进行交流项目的话,那也是需要支付该学校学费的。  * Islands students (from the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) are classified as overseas students and are therefore charged tuition fees at the overseas rate. 爱尔兰学生(来自爱尔兰海峡和Man岛)是被列为国际学生的,所以是按照国际学生来收费的。

  偶觉得,其实不管是欧盟滴龟龟GG 还是大不列颠的 鳖鳖BB ,都是一样滴!!你呢??


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