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来自:周星星和海公公 0 0 2014-10-12

  Ross to take 'significant' part of Bank ofCyprus's 1 billion-euro share sale 威尔伯 · 罗斯 出重资收购 塞浦路斯银行股份 -- 10 亿欧元


  先来瞧瞧 威尔伯· 罗斯是何方神圣吧~请度娘协助一下!!!


  LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. billionaire WilburRoss said on Tuesday that he will take a "significant" portion of the1 billion euros (£791 million) worth of new shares being sold by Bank of Cyprusbut that the complexities of the deal made it impossible to say how much atthis point. 伦敦路透社表示,美国亿万富翁 威尔伯 · 罗斯表示,在这周二他将 斥资 10 亿欧元来收购塞浦路斯银行的股份 ,但是由于交易的复杂性,很难说出准确的数额。 Bank of Cyprus said on Monday thatinstitutional investors, including some introduced by Ross, wanted to buy 1billion euros worth of its shares, but might only be able to get 800 millioneuros worth if existing shareholders also commit more capital. 塞浦路斯银行周一表示,集团投资人,包括罗斯介绍的投资都想斥资购买 10 亿欧元的股份,但是目前如果有投资人出资购买的话, 能够出售的股份也只有 8 亿欧元的股份了。(小编表述,富豪,银行对不起你,您想出十亿可是我真的只有8亿能出售。。。您就给个面子少买点吧。。)
  The development marked a dramaticrehabilitation for a bank that in 2013 was the first euro zone lender toconvert large uninsured deposits into bank shares, a move required as acondition of 10 billion euros Cyprus' EU/IMF rescue.
  该项投资为塞浦路斯银行注入了新的活力,自从 2013 年,作为欧元区的第一个银行,由于需要获得欧盟和国际货币基金组织提提供 100 亿欧元紧急援助而必须满足的将储户的资金转化为银行的股份的前提条件。
  "We're not 100 percent sure of howmany shares any of us will end up buying," Ross told Reuters in atelephone interview, agreeing that his own stake would be"sigificant".
  罗斯在电话采访中告知英国路透社,我们目前不能知道投资人能够购买多少该银行的股份, 但是他的持有的那一部分股份将是很重要的一部分。
  "The board (of Bank of Cyprus) willhave to decide from whom to take those shares (if existing shareholders wantnew shares as well)."
  Ross said the uncertainty around the exactoutcome was the reason that the other investors introduced by him to Bank ofCyprus had not yet been publicly named. Those investors have together committedto buying about 400 million euros worth of shares.
  罗斯表示,未来的不确定因素为主要原因是,他介绍给塞浦路斯银行的的投资人现在银行方面还没有公布这些人的名字,这些投资人购买股份的总额大于在 4 亿欧元。
  Ross described them as "normalinstitutions"."Many of them have invested in banks before, some haveinvested in Greek banks, some have invested in Irish banks and some haveinvested in UK banks," he said.
  Ross said the new investors wouldcontemplate taking seats on the bank's board, but that any directorships wouldbe subject to regulatory and shareholder approval. "The key thing is thegroup of investors is going to play an active role in the affairs of thebank," he said.
  The 76-year-old, who has invested in othercrisis-stricken banks, including Bank of Ireland and Greece's Eurobank, said hehad not yet had time to look at Portugal's troubled Banco Espirito Santo, whichcould announce a capital increase when it publishes half-year results onWednesday night. 76 岁的罗斯,投资了另外几家危机波及银行,包括爱尔兰银行,希腊的欧洲银行,但是目前还没有时间去考察看葡萄牙的 EBS 银行,该银行会在周三的晚上发布关于增资的消息。
  "We're always looking foropportunities," he said of his fund's plans for euro zone bank investmentslater in 2014. "We're continuing to look at Italian banks, at Spain, at Portugal,"he added.
  关于他 2014 年在欧元区银行的基金计划,他会一直在寻找机会,之后会密切的关注意大利银行,西班牙银行,以及葡萄牙银行。
  Ross said it was too early to say if hisBank of Cyprus investment would make comparable gains to those of his Bank ofIreland deal, where he made him a profit of 500 million euros on a 290 millioneuros investment in less than three years.
  他表示, 现在就塞浦路斯银行的投资与他之前的爱尔兰银行的投资行为作比较,还为时过早,在爱尔兰银行的投资中 2.9 亿欧元三年的投资中为他带来了 5 个亿欧元的收益。
  "Cyprus is a lot closer to recoverythan Ireland was when we bought into it," he said, adding that the twocountries were in similar situations because their problems were stemmed for aone time event rather than long term dysfunction. 塞浦路斯的复苏情况比他投资爱尔兰那个时候好的多,同样两个国家的情况都是非常相似的, 都是短时期的经济发展受阻,而不是长期的经济萎靡。
  只能说,高手就是高手啊,总是能不断发现投资机遇...... 看来不止中国企业,中国的土豪偏爱塞浦路斯,美国的土豪投资塞浦路斯下手也绝不手软啊!!! 

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